July 16-19, 2025
Rebel Road Camping
Sponsored by the Mart Dock
Rebel Road Camping 2025 Mart Dock!!

Camping Rules​
Check-in starts at 12:00 pm (noon) on Wednesday, July 16. You must be checked in by the campground supervisor before setting up in your spot.
Campers must clean and vacate their site by 6:00 pm on Sunday, July 20
The event is rain or shine; the campsite fee is non-refundable.
Limit of one car per tent site. Limit of two cars/trucks per RV site. Limit of one RV and one tent per RV site. Limit of two tents per tent site.
Absolutely NO campfires.
Quiet time is 11:00 pm.
No disposing of waste or wastewater from RVs in port-a-jons or otherwise.
Port-a-Jons and hand washing stations will be available in the camping area.
Trash must be placed in the provided trash receptacles in the camping area.
Campers and guests must comply with the directions of the Security personnel and Camping Supervisors who will be on-site 24 hours a day as well as any other Rebel Road Staff.
Security personnel, Camping Supervisor, and Rebel Road staff retain the right to eject any camper who does not comply with the above rules, or who is determined to be a nuisance or threat to other campers.
We ask that all payments are done via Check made out to the Child Abuse Council of Muskegon County, 1781 Peck Street, Muskegon, MI 49441. You may also pay over the phone with a credit card by calling the Child Abuse Council at (231)728-6410 and asking for Cortney. Once we have received your payment, you will get a confirmation email stating you have paid. If we don’t receive your payment within 14 days of booking, your reservation will be canceled and up for grabs for someone else.